Saturday, November 28, 2015

Branch of Grapes- Emphysema

Emphysema, is chronic lung disease, that mainly causes shortness of breath due to gradually damages of the air sacs (alveoli). Emphysema is consider to be a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or  (COPD). The reason emphysema is consider to be among COPD diseases is because airflow movement on exhalation is slowed or stop. This happens when the alveoli sacs oversized, causing the alveoli sacs to not exchange gasses when the individual breaths. What causes emphysema you may ask? Smoking is the primary cause of emphysema.

My 93 year old grandmother, has emphysema. It was around the 1950's when smoking was the popular recreation drug around. She smoked cigarettes until she was 60 years old and started smoking around her 20's. Although she smoked throughout a long period of time, another main reason why she has emphysema today is the continuous cooking with charcoal and coal. Her doctors mentioned to members of the family that her health will continue deteriorating because of her age and the high exposure that through time she has put her lungs into. In my grandmother's lungs. Her alveoli sacs are cluster together like branch of grapes. Through this disease her alveoli have weaken to a point rupture. Not permitting oxygen to reach to her bloodstream. A note that I have taken to heart from her was to never smoke in my life time.

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